When a Charleston dentist may assist patients with urgent dental care

Accidents happen. They are unexpected and, when they occur to the mouth, can be extremely painful. Whether it’s a knocked out tooth or a severe toothache that keeps a patient up all night, Charleston dentist, Dr. Greenberg, can help with urgent dental care needs.

Charleston dentist may assist patients with urgent dental care

Patients of Mouth Carolina Dentistry, PA can rely on emergency dental services through our practice. We provide a variety of treatments that can assist patients in getting comfortable and restoring their smile.


If a toothache is the result of a deep cavity, infection, or abscess, we can perform a root canal as soon as possible to relieve the pain. Medications may also be prescribed to assist with the discomfort.


During sports and other activities, patients may experience injury to a tooth. This may result in the breakage of the tooth, or the tooth knocked out from the mouth. Broken teeth may require dental bonding or dental crowns to cover and protect them from further damage, while a knocked out tooth may be able to be reattached. Calling the dentist as soon as these situations occur provide a better chance of restoring the smile.

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Lost Restoration

Bonding of a dental crown, veneer, or bridge may fail and result in the loss of a restoration. When this happens, patients should contact their dentist immediately to have the restoration re-bonded or replaced. If the restoration is broken, a new one may need to be fabricated, as it may no longer provide the benefits for which it was initially placed.

Bitten Lip, Tongue, or Cheek

Patients who bite their lip, tongue, or cheek may not require urgent dental care. The area should be cleaned gently with water and a soft cloth, and a cold compress should be applied to reduce any swelling that may occur. Medical attention should be sought if bleeding is excessive, does not stop, or infection is a risk.

Dr. Greenberg of Mouth Carolina Dentistry, PA is happy to help patients in the areas of Charleston and the surrounding communities who are seeking the assistance of a quality dentist. He can provide urgent dental care for new and existing patients who need help with their emergencies.

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Mouth Carolina Dentistry, PA

Mouth Carolina Dentistry, PA - Dr. Andrew Greenberg

Dr. Andrew Greenberg completed his Bachelor’s Degree in New Orleans, Louisiana at Tulane University. He graduated from the Medical University of South Carolina College of Dental Medicine in 2009, where he portrayed excellent academic performance. He exercises his academic brilliance to the benefit of his patients every day. He grew up in a family with a dental background and showed interest in the field since his early days.

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