Do Veneers Require Special Care?

Patients who want a full mouth restoration, or even just to address several teeth within their smile, may find that porcelain veneers are a wonderful cosmetic procedure offered by their cosmetic dentist. Charleston cosmetic veneers are used to improve smiles by covering natural teeth to change the shape, size, alignment, or overall appearance of a tooth. One or more veneers can be used in a smile to make drastic improvements.

Dentist Charleston Cosmetic Veneers - happy couple, bright teeth

Porcelain veneers are extremely thin, and are carefully bonded to the front of natural teeth. They are created to blend with the patient’s existing teeth. Although the materials used to make veneers are extremely strong, they are still susceptible to breakage. When Dr. Greenberg puts veneers on his patient’s teeth, he will often recommend they consider using night guards while they sleep. Night guards are oral appliances that are made of plastic and can be worn over the teeth while a patient is resting. It can protect the teeth and veneers from damage due to grinding or clenching that may happen without a patient’s awareness. Clenching and grinding of the teeth can result in damage to the enamel.

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Veneers may become stressed and the bonding may loosen, causing the veneers to pop off of the teeth they are covering. This will result in immediate assistance to rebond the veneer at the dental office. Patients who have veneers are also required to avoid chewing or biting on extremely hard foods, candies, or objects. Pressure can result in breakage, which will require replacement by Dr. Greenberg. Replacing veneers will entail extra appointments and additional cost, so by taking good care of your veneers from the start, you can ensure their longevity. With proper care and maintenance, veneers can last over ten years.

Dr. Greenberg of Mouth Carolina Dentistry, PA offers porcelain veneers, along with other cosmetic restorations, to improve smiles and make an impact in the lives of his patients. If you have certain teeth within your smile that are troublesome and affecting your appearance, call Dr. Greenberg today to schedule a consultation appointment and learn how you can benefit from veneers and the other cosmetic treatments available.

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Mouth Carolina Dentistry, PA

Mouth Carolina Dentistry, PA - Dr. Andrew Greenberg

Dr. Andrew Greenberg completed his Bachelor’s Degree in New Orleans, Louisiana at Tulane University. He graduated from the Medical University of South Carolina College of Dental Medicine in 2009, where he portrayed excellent academic performance. He exercises his academic brilliance to the benefit of his patients every day. He grew up in a family with a dental background and showed interest in the field since his early days.

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