Approaches to patient experience distinguish general dentist practices in West Ashley SC

You have more than 300 general dentists to choose from in the West Ashley area. To be licensed to practice dentistry in South Carolina, the dentist must graduate from an accredited dental school with a Doctor of Dental Surgery or Doctor of Dental Medicine degree. A board exam must be passed as well. Licenses are kept “active” by completing continuing education hours every year.

Dr. Andrew Greenberg is trained to provide comprehensive dental services

As the term “general dentist” might suggest, professionals like Dr. Andrew Greenberg are trained to provide comprehensive dental services — from preventive checkups to identify problems and maintain oral health, to “reactive” treatments to get you out of pain and back to functioning properly again. Common treatments range from fillings and dental crowns to treat cavities and rebuild tooth structure to bridges to replace missing teeth. Additionally, many general dentists offer a number of cosmetic services, including teeth whitening or bleaching, and dental veneers designed to cover cosmetic issues.

The dentistry profession has evolved to become much more focused on proactive rather than reactive treatments. Historically many dental problems were solved with the phrase: “Let’s pull the tooth.” Thanks to modern technologies and science, extracting the tooth is the last resort. Dr. Greenberg will attempt to restore the tooth with a crown and, should the tooth have to be pulled, a dental bridge may be recommended. Dentists recognize the many quality of life-related issues that can arise when teeth are missing, including the loss of underlying bone in the jaw that affects the way a person looks, eats, and speaks.

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Regular dental checkups and professional cleanings (at least every six months) may bring to light problems with hygiene. Perhaps your flossing technique needs work or maybe habits such as nighttime teeth grinding surface. Identification of problems and applicable intervention helps to prevent the decay that leads to gum disease, infection, and loose or missing teeth. Gum disease is frequently linked to a number of other medical conditions, so know that when you keep appointments with Dr. Greenberg and his team at Mouth Carolina Dentistry, PA, you may also be avoiding serious conditions like cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Comprehensive services, better approaches

While many practices in the area may share similar services and standards to attain and retain licensure, dentists distinguish themselves with approaches to patient comfort and experience. Dr. Greenberg provides heated neck massagers and video glasses equipped with 3D DVDs to help put patients at ease and pass the time during procedures. These types of features keep patients coming back for necessary preventive exams and cleanings.

Dr. Greenberg is also uniquely equipped to provide high-quality services. Born with an artistic eye, Dr. Greenberg possesses both the medical background to design and place natural-looking restorations and the visual aptitude and talent to perform procedures with results that are as beautiful in their function as they are in their form. Don’t trust the look of your smile and your oral and whole-body health to just any general dentist. Call to schedule an appointment and experience firsthand what makes Mouth Carolina Dentistry, PA stand out in West Ashley.

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Mouth Carolina Dentistry, PA

Mouth Carolina Dentistry, PA - Dr. Andrew Greenberg

Dr. Andrew Greenberg completed his Bachelor’s Degree in New Orleans, Louisiana at Tulane University. He graduated from the Medical University of South Carolina College of Dental Medicine in 2009, where he portrayed excellent academic performance. He exercises his academic brilliance to the benefit of his patients every day. He grew up in a family with a dental background and showed interest in the field since his early days.

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