
Dental restoration in Charleston: Can a tooth bridge be replaced?

Tooth Bridge Charleston - Can Dental Bridge Be Replaced

A tooth bridge is designed to last for many years. However, at some point, it may need to be repaired or replaced. Tooth bridges are fixed appliances that are fitted in the mouth when the patient has one or more missing teeth. The pontic tooth is usually anchored to crowns on the healthy teeth on both sides of the gap (these are known as abutments). You may require repair or replacement of a tooth bridge in Charleston if your original bridge has broken, or the dentist has found a problem at the time of your routine dental checkup. Why a … Continue reading

Signs that You Need to See a Root Canal Specialist in Charleston

A root canal specialist in Charleston can try to preserve most of your tooth structure, and restore your oral health in a conservative manner.

Sometimes a severe toothache can make you think that it you require a root canal. But, not every tooth pain is indicative of a root canal, and you might be having a different type of oral health issue. Only a dentist can determine whether you need a root canal treatment. However, some common signs should tell you that you need to see a root canal specialist in Charleston to diagnose and treat your dental problem before it worsens. The tooth core holds the dental pulp below the protective enamel and dentin. The pulp extends through the root canals, and it … Continue reading

Patients in Charleston, SC can restore damaged teeth with ceramic dental crowns

Restore Damaged Teeth, Mouth Carolina Dentistry, PA

Your mouth is an important feature. Not only is your smile likely the first thing that people notice about you, the health of your mouth can be critical to the health of your body. Keeping your mouth in top shape and well protected is important. If teeth become damaged or decayed, it’s important to have them fixed quickly. Dental crowns are used for many reasons. Dr. Andrew Greenberg of Mouth Carolina Dentistry, PA in Charleston, SC, uses ceramic dental crowns for several dentistry procedures. Dr. Greenberg helps his patients understand why crowns are used, the difference between a crown and … Continue reading

Charleston, SC patients with an infection in their tooth can receive a professional dental filling and root canal

Time to brush and floss, Mouth Carolina Dentistry, PA

Most adults don’t think about their teeth unless it’s time to brush and floss or visit the dentist. However, if you have a toothache, it’s likely that you can’t think about anything but your teeth. Most oral health issues, such as cavities or gum disease don’t cause discomfort until they become advanced. When a person wakes up with a throbbing tooth, it can be a sign of infection in the tooth and it is time to call a professional. Dr. Andrew Greenberg and his team at Mouth Carolina dentistry provide professional dental services such as fillings, crowns, and root canals. … Continue reading

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